Microsoft Visio
This course is for existing users of Visio who wish to customize the product to improve efficiency.
Customizing the Visio screen
Adding commands to the ribbon & Quick Access toolbar
Adding new groups to the ribbon
Visio options
Custom stencils
Creating, saving & closing a new stencil
Opening & editing a custom stencil
Adding shapes to a custom stencil
Modifying shapes in the custom stencil
Deleting shapes from the stencil
Creating custom shapes
Drawing custom shapes
Selecting multiple shapes
Using union, trim, join, intersect, fragment & combine
Formatting a custom shape
Adding a custom shape to a stencil
Drawing layout
Using the ruler, grid and guides
Auto align & space
Alignment & spacing shape options
Working with visual aids
Re-layout the page
Using the size & position task pane
Shape protection
Background pages
Creating a custom background page
Assigning the background page to a drawing page
Modifying & deleting a custom background page
Creating a template
Working with themes
Creating & saving a template (with stencils)
Creating a new drawing using the template
Editing & deleting the template
Shape Data
Adding shape data to a shape
Editing a shape masters shape data
Using the shape data window
Creating & applying shape data sets
Creating drawing layers
Assigning shapes to layers
Assigning master shapes to layers
Layers in background pages
Previous knowledge of Visio is essential.
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